Sunday, August 13, 2006


"Machete-wielding woman outside White House" (source:

I'm not sure one way or another (How could I be? Hardly a scrap of information was released.) whether this woman is mentally unstable or proving a point or what. Was she even threatening anyone? Is it illegal (or just prohibited) to carry a 13-in blade on your person? I don't know, maybe it is. But I am wondering about her intentions. By her comment, "What are you going to do -- shoot me?" I'm inclined to think that she was not doing anything illegal, just pushing the envelope.

I'm also wondering why they used the word prohibited, instead of illegal. Of course, I'm not in favor of some person causing death, or injury to others. Still, I'm curious about the facts here. Was she simply handling a machete? Use of the word 'wielding' makes it seem like she was threatening someone. You might say, why should we wait until she threatens someone? Or do you say, where will we draw the line on arresting people when they aren't breaking the law? Maybe I should ask, do we believe it's okay to arrest people on fear-based assumptions?

God forbid the day cameras are deemed a prohibited weapon ... is my point. Though you may not think of a camera as a weapon. I still wonder where will the line be drawn?

Main Entry: pro·hib·it
Pronunciation: prO-'hi-b&t, pr&-
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin prohibitus, past participle of prohibEre to keep off, from pro- forward + habEre to hold -- more at PRO-, GIVE
1 : to forbid by authority : ENJOIN
2 a : to prevent from doing something b : PRECLUDE
synonym see FORBID

Main Entry: wield
Pronunciation: 'wEld
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English welden to control, from Old English wieldan; akin to Old High German waltan to rule, Latin valEre to be strong, be worth
1 chiefly dialect : to deal successfully with : MANAGE
2 : to handle (as a tool) especially effectively
3 a : to exert one's authority by means of b : have at one's command or disposal
- wield·er noun

(source of definitions:


"Don't Believe What You See in the Papers" (source:

We've seemingly have always known that a handful of people can sour the reputation of an entire profession. Yet, it seems still that many do not comprehend how their actions can affect others. Or maybe they just don't care. But the truth is, no matter how big or small, all action causes a ripple effect. And I can feel this one to my core. It's a good conversation to have, really. It's just the uncertainty of where it will lead that shakes me.

"Today, I will wait if the way is not clear. I will trust that out of choas will come clarity." ~ Melody Beattie


James Turrell's Skyspace, Light Reign ~ Seattle, WA ~ 08.12.06

A friend of mine is soon to be married in James Turrell's Skyspace, Light Reign at the Henry Art Gallery on the UW campus. It's such a remarkable place, I thought I'd mention it here.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

i believe

"I believe in imagining a life, and then trying to live it." ~ fashion designer Jane Hamill

do you want to?

"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying ' I don't want to'." ~ Chinese philosopher Lau-Tzu

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

windows on the world

It was slow going through downtown this evening. Mariners game, go figure. Anyway, I shot a few architectural photos to pass the time.



Sunday, August 06, 2006

let it be

Bee among lavendar ~ Redmond, WA ~ 07.29.06