Thursday, June 28, 2007

point of view

"Don't serve the time. Let the time serve you." ~Paris Hilton

This is remarkable. Anyone who has looked through my blog knows that I love quotes. Though I never imagined I would be collecting such a profound quote by Miss Hilton. She is, of course, referring to her time in jail. Though the words actually could relate to many circumstances, depending on the point of view - as always. Ebb and flow, clearly she's on a journey - like the rest of us.


John said...

Wow, I am caught red-handed here realizing my take on this quote is so skewed knowing it is Paris Hilton versus lets say Anonymous or Martha Stewart or anyone except Paris! Still, surely she got it from someone else.

katherine said...

Well, it's true that she has a publicist. So there's no telling from who the words came.

Seren said...

Sigh, Paris is a strange one. I hope there would be some wisdom reaped after living such a wild life in the public eye.

There is a variation to this quote somewhere. "There is never enough time unless you're serving it" or something like that. I remember I used to get all these inspirational quotes through this career-building site and I vaguely remember one like this related to our daily work.

Unfortunately, I just don't have time to look it up right now. ;)