Friday, August 24, 2007

roll with it

a bit of swelling to the right ~ 08.24.07

There are days when unexpected things happen and, generally, we roll with it. Today I literally rolled with it (and so did my ankle) when I stepped in a hidden hole (grass was covering it). A pop and a crack preceeded my fall, ouch. As I type, my foot is elevated on the back of the couch. Ice, compression, elevation and rest are on my agenda for this lovely Friday evening.


Seren said...

Jinkies! That looks like it hurts. Here's to a swift recovery and a slow fade into memory as the only lasting mark on the days yet to roll out ahead.

katherine said...

Thanks for the well wishes. My ankle is feeling better, and an ankle brace is my constant companion. Aside from a bit of swelling that remains, my foot has turned lovely shades of black & blue - but the pain is minimal.