Sunday, November 04, 2007


vines ~ 11.02.07

vines ~ 11.02.07

"Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives." -- Charles William Dement

I remember my dreams fairly regularly, so it's a common thing for me. But last night the dream was more literal than most. It was almost as if I were awake, it just didn't seem like a dream. I was frustrated, every turn left me looking at a dead end. One after another, after another. I kept waking up, turning over and returning to my frustration. It's odd and interesting, because I was dreaming about trouble I've been having with creating a website. I'm not a web designer (nor do I play one on TV). What I know about web designing could fit in the palm of my hand. Still, there I was tossing and turning - dreaming about it. Which left me feeling a bit insane.


Seren said...

Fall is finally showing its face, eh?

I probably can't help much with the dreams, although I used to do some dream analysis back in the day. Restless nights take the fun out of dreams.

What software are you using for the web site?

Although FrontPage and Publisher are approachable, you might want to consider the Adobe-Macromedia family of products (academic licenses are somewhat affordable if you're able to claim student status).

Recent versions of Dreamweaver (MX 2004 and later) produce some nice code and there are oodles of tutorial-style books that will have you impressed with what you can do in a hurry.

For design tips, Jakob Nielsen is an all-around highly-recommended web snob. His Alert Box thing has some good advice now and again. He's famous for the Top 10 mistakes of web design, books on usability, interface design, and stuff like that.

Hope that helps and I'm glad you liked the latest story snippet. I'll try to get the next piece out before another six months zip past!

katherine said...

A little late in replying, I missed this comment somehow. Ah well, better (5+ months) late than never. Ha!


I'm was/am writing the HTML code from scratch. Learning as I go. Since the original post I've taken a basic HTML class online (which helped with the frustration). I am still learning, it's ongoing - of course. But, weirdly, I am enjoying it. I say weirdly because writing HTML code isn't something I would've thought I'd enjoy.

Thanks much for the input and links!