Tuesday, November 23, 2010

everyone needs a victory ...

"When you get right down to it, life has a fairly simple formula. Everyone needs a victory every day. That's what keeps us going. Each of us should do what we can to give others opportunities for victories. And each of us should do what we can to minimize moments of defeat for the people we love." —Don Gale

I read this quote on another blog tonight, I liked it so much that I thought I'd share.


Unknown said...

I agreed completely! If only more people followed the simple rules... such as the quote you posted and one of my favorites, the Pay It Forward concept. Love those! Wish you all the best.

Take Care....Have A Victory... And Pay It Forward =)

Sharon Smith said...

I too love that quote. We are so often focused on the bigger picture most of the time that we forget about the little victories that in tandem, build our success.

Congratulations on an inspiring blog!

katherine said...

Thanks so much for leaving such nice, inspiring comments!