Thursday, June 23, 2005

glorious journey

I found it! Today was a glorious day. The notebook (see yesterday's post) was in my car at the body shop ... where I'd looked once before, but apparently not thoroughly. So, that weight was lifted ... and all other obstacles seemed to pale in comparison throughout the day. : ) Strange how a little thing can carry such a heavy burden. Anyway ...

I watched a spider running back and forth across the windshield of my rental car today. I worried about him (as I quickly closed the windows and switched on the A/C ... wouldn't want him to join me IN the car). Wondering what it must be thinking. You may think that's a silly thing to do, or a waste of time. But as I sat in traffic, watching him and waiting for the light to change, I couldn't help but draw a comparision to our lives. What I mean is ... here he is, running back and forth (possibly) wondering why it's gotten so windy all of the sudden and how his environment could change so quickly. Running back and forth, back and forth trying to find a way to change his situation. Hanging on for dear life. Then when the car stops and he feels safe to move around again, he's found himself in a completely different location. Like our lives, we pick a road, we get hooked into something ... suddenly everything speeds up, we hang on for dear life. One thing leads to another, and before we know it we're walking a completely different path than we started on.

So later, when I arrived at my destination, I was wondering if the spider had survived the journey. Then I wondered IF he did, where was he hiding? Then my concern shifted from the well-being of the spider to my own phobia. If I get out of the car now is he going to jump on me?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

small thing ... but big at the moment

I need help. I've misplaced a notebook that I need. Much of my energy has been spent looking for it over the past few days ... to no avail. I've looked and looked ... and I remember that last time I had it in my hand (I think). The contents of the notebook are so important to my work that I'm completely stressing over finding it.

But what I'm thinking about at the moment is what would really happen if I didn't find the notebook? Seriously, what's the worst thing? I'd have to call the person I interviewed and basically re-interview them. I'd have to print the photos and take them over to have some of the people ID'd. Because, of course, all of the names and quotes and other information I gathered are written in that notebook.

So, the worst thing is not a fun option. Finding the notebook is the best scenario. Like I needed to write that down to know the answer.

Where could it be? Geez!

This WILL work out. No question.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


The word ciao is used commonly, I hear it often. Something urged me to look it up in the dictionary today. Found the etymology of the word interesting. So different from the common meaning. Thought I'd share. : )

Main Entry: Ciao
Pronunciation: 'chau
Function: interjection
Etymology: Italian, from Italian dialect, literally, (I am your) slave, from Medieval Latin sclavus -- more at SLAVE
-- used conventionally as an utterance at meeting or parting

Sunday, June 12, 2005

need some inspiration?

Wandering through the library yesterday I happened upon a book called ROADTRIP NATION - A GUIDE TO DISCOVERING YOUR PATH IN LIFE. Really inspiring. And although it seems geared for people just starting out in life; going into college or of that age. I think it's appropriate for everyone of every age and stage. It's a fun & interesting read. I put a link to their website in the LINKS section on this page. Check it out. ➔

Saturday, June 11, 2005

occupying the right lane

Ever had one of those days where everything just seems pretty good? Nothing special has happened but you find yourself floating along through the day ... and it actually occurs to you that you feel happy (in general). Then suddenly something hits you from out of the blue and jolts you back. Yep, that's how my day was today. I was genuinely happy ... then I was pretty angry. But now I actually still feel pretty happy just not AS happy. Despite the fact that someone decided to turn right from the left lane ... I guess it wasn't of importance to them that I was occupying the right lane at that very second. Anyway, it was a non-injury accident. Referring to the humans involved. But my car was injured. I feel worn out ... I guess the adrenaline is finally wearing off.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

it's about balance

I met a couple of completely amazing people at my first assignment this morning.

These two women run an international adoption agency. Which in and of itself is a noble and worthwhile cause. Helping children. What could they ever do that's greater than that? But what truly made them interesting to me was that I found myself sitting in their office long after I was finished photographing them. Suddenly we were just sitting and talking ... bringing up philosophical topics and relating them to our personal experience. We had found common ground. However, by the end I'd given them way more information about myself than I had intended. Then again, I'm sure that's how it was meant to happen. And I am grateful for having met them.

So to clue you in, lately I've started keeping a list of interesting people that I meet. The graph above is one entry on that list. I can meet them anywhere, anytime. And what qualifies them as interesting? It could be anything ... likely something they said that piqued my interest. Although it could be their profession, their passion for life, what kind of activities they love, a common or opposing viewpoint they share ... anything!

The point of the list? Frankly, I decided to keep this list because it helps keep my mind focused on the reason I love my profession. Yeah, it's about the images. But more so it's about the people I meet and what drives them. So, to counter the things that cause me to want to scream in life ... the list adds balance and perspective.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

a work in progress

Somedays I look at my life and wonder how I got where I am. Do you ever do that? Just stop and take a inventory of where you stand? I'm a photojournalist. And though I haven't made my way to the caliber of publication I'd ultimately love to work for ... yet, still this is a great way to spend my days.

Today I met with a group of young artists who are working on a project for a local non-profit organization. Their teacher got them involved with the project as an after-school activity. But through that project they are learning some art history. The painting they are working on is modeled after the work of Georgia O'Keefe. It's still a work in progress ... but beautiful already. This teacher is introducing the students in her classes to some extremely interesting artists as they create art of their own. Some of the artists they are currently modeling their work after are Chuck Close and Victor Vasarely. I was really taken by some of the work they are producing. Seventh graders! They are awesome.