Monday, November 21, 2005

your fair share

"An unshared life is not living. He who shares does not lessen, but greatens, his life." ~ Stephen Wise


Anonymous said...

Is this why we blog? The Elenor Rigby Syndrome? :)

katherine said...

Hi Lone, Heh ... That very well could be part of it. It's a good question and one that's been asked many times, I'm sure. But today in the answers department ... I'm fresh out, don't have 'em. : )

Seren said...

I'm not really sure what it is, either. But it's fun and it keeps me writing more frequently than I would otherwise. Blogs are good.

Thanks for posting a comment over at Stormwraith Sidelines. I'm glad you enjoyed the tale about my night out to Lip Gloss. I can't wait to get back there.

Visiting a club alone is something I used to do weekly just for exercise. I like music and doing my thing on the dance floor. It's more a carnal pleasure than anything else.

I like your pictures here. I often find myself equally mesmerized by strange contrasts, peculiar cloud patterns, and unique shades of light.

While commuting today I saw this barren construction site. Somehow, the flat earth had a gripping texture. In stark contrast to the "face of Mars" look, was the winding grade of a future road. It was all smoothed out and looked oddly interesting. Normally, I'd just think: oh, a construction site. Gross.

katherine said...

I'm not really sure what it is, either. But it's fun and it keeps me writing more frequently than I would otherwise. Blogs are good.

I like the idea of connecting with people I wouldn't otherwise have met. Even if it's only once, through a comment on my blog.

Thanks for posting a comment over at Stormwraith Sidelines. I'm glad you enjoyed the tale about my night out to Lip Gloss. I can't wait to get back there.

Visiting a club alone is something I used to do weekly just for exercise. I like music and doing my thing on the dance floor. It's more a carnal pleasure than anything else.

Yeah, I did enjoy your post. Full of fun detail, felt like I was along for the night. Sort of.

I like your pictures here. I often find myself equally mesmerized by strange contrasts, peculiar cloud patterns, and unique shades of light.

While commuting today I saw this barren construction site. Somehow, the flat earth had a gripping texture. In stark contrast to the "face of Mars" look, was the winding grade of a future road. It was all smoothed out and looked oddly interesting. Normally, I'd just think: oh, a construction site. Gross.

Thank you. Your description of the construction site is quite compelling and extraordinary in a way. A good reminder for me as well. Sometimes I forget that's my goal, to take something ordinary and find a way to make it (visually) extraordinary.