Wednesday, October 12, 2005

tell your story

Brazilian author Paulo Coelho, most widely known for his book The Alchemist writes a column. A copy appears in my e-mail a few times a month. Usually his message stems from an allegory of some sort, and always there is something to learn. Often it's something I needed to hear at that moment. I have found the columns, as well as Coelho's books, despite some noticeable differences in wording (due to translation), to be inspiring and thought-provoking.

"Tell your story: Yes, tell your story. Show your example. Tell everyone it's possible, and others shall feel the courage, to climb their own mountains." ~ Paulo Coelho


SugarDayFox said...

Such a great referral.

When I have been trying to figure who is referring visitors to my blog. Has just found a few interesting blogs that I could not see how is connected to me. Well, although now it is clear (Google/Blogger Technology is the name of the magic) but still I feel warm at my heart because of reading this post of yours.
I see that the awakening is getting closer.
Cheers and enjoy your day!
Final note: There is no accident.

katherine said...

Such a great referral.

Thanks, I'm glad you found it. : )