I've been a bit absent from the blog lately ... I'll work on getting back into the swing of things this week. Meanwhile, the Seahawks are going to Super Bowl XL! It'll be their first-ever trip to the big game. Interestingly enough, I don't usually pay any attention to football (unless I'm behind a camera). Yet, much to my own surprise, the past few weeks I've watched the playoff games. Yeah, I know some of you are cringing about now but I think it's clear that I've been afflicted with the playoff bug that's been going around. Atchoo! Don't worry, it's minor ... there's no face paint, jersey wearing or beer guzzling involved. I must admit though, I've actually had fun with it ... and I'm looking forward to the big game in a few weeks. ; ) LOL. Go Hawks!
listening to Feels So Good by Chuck Magione
listening to Feels So Good by Chuck Magione
Wow, very cool... it looks like something in space. :)
LOL. BALLOONS IN SPACE. Balloons In Space. balloons in space.
Thanks Lone! : )
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