Little bit of unexpected fun when the sunshine over-powered a storm (briefly). Cropped the rainbow image a tad, but the blur of the power lines is from the rain on my windshield. A stop sign was handy for a short interval while composing. ; )
Made a little video of the sounds & sights of 2006 making it's way in last night. It's far from the best visually, but the audio gets the message across. Happy New Year!
I was recently introduced to the Seattle Weekly horoscopes, which seem to always be a fun read. And though I've been picking up a copy of the paper from my local corner paper box, I just discovered they're on line! Look in the 'links' to the right. Enjoy!
"Success didn't spoil me; I've always been insufferable" ~ Fran Lebowitz
Listening to What I'm looking For by Brendan Benson
Made a little video of the sounds & sights of 2006 making it's way in last night. It's far from the best visually, but the audio gets the message across. Happy New Year!
I was recently introduced to the Seattle Weekly horoscopes, which seem to always be a fun read. And though I've been picking up a copy of the paper from my local corner paper box, I just discovered they're on line! Look in the 'links' to the right. Enjoy!
"Success didn't spoil me; I've always been insufferable" ~ Fran Lebowitz
Listening to What I'm looking For by Brendan Benson
Gary -- Thanks very much for the links. The first one is what I was looking for originally, thanks for the help. I appreciate your thoughtful effort. All best.
Rainbow power! Do the Care Bears countdown... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! :) Those two road pictures are really compelling, in a weird, disquieting sort of way. American Werewolf In London kind of stuff, out on the moors. Were you in a car for the top one, or on foot?
Hi Lone -- Yeah, they're all out of the ordinary. I was in the car for all four of the photos. All shot through the windshield.
Push the shutter enough times and you're bound to capture something compelling. ; )
Push the shutter enough times and you're bound to capture something compelling. ; )
This has always been my own motto. :) This evening I'm copying my archives to a second drive for use with my living room computer for posting my photos to my Flickr account, and realized to my amazement I've shot well over three thousand images since buying the Rebel XT in August... and that's not counting the ones I've taken casually with the CX7330 since September. What would it have cost me to print and develop all that, ten years ago? But on the other hand... how much chaffe, and how little wheat... :)
...and realized to my amazement I've shot well over three thousand images since buying the Rebel XT in August... and that's not counting the ones I've taken casually with the CX7330 since September. What would it have cost me to print and develop all that, ten years ago?
A pretty penny my friend. Digital cameras and computers have made photography so much more accesible for everyone. Of course the photo labs are hurting now, since less people are having prints made. Ebb and flow huh?
The yellowish light peeking through clouds is a cool shot. It reminds me of summer or spring skies in MN (usually before, during, or after a severe storm). When the light gets filtered like that, it's as if it has a palpable effect on mood and imagination. At such times, I sorta feel like there was a nuclear war and nobody remembered to invite me.
Hi Seren -- I visited your blog just moments ago ... wondering where you've been actually. Then, in popped an email with a comment from you on my blog. Interesting.
The yellowish light peeking through clouds is a cool shot. It reminds me of summer or spring skies in MN (usually before, during, or after a severe storm). When the light gets filtered like that, it's as if it has a palpable effect on mood and imagination. At such times, I sorta feel like there was a nuclear war and nobody remembered to invite me.
Yeah, it reminds me of sun after the storm when I was a kid in Oklahoma. Fairly rare around here though. Well, I say rare ... I've only lived here two and a half years. Anyway it seems rare.
It does convey a sort of slowing of time feel though.
That is cool. Great minds must think alike after all, huh? ;)
Yeah, I've been a bit absent. Not much to write (at least nothing even marginally fit to share with others, hehe).
Last night I was ripping music and unable to cool down with Black & White 2. Mortal life is such a drag after playing a god for a few nights.
I was suddenly inspired to share the next chapter of that whole Carpeggio thing. What's really weird, is that I'm still not certain it's over yet. I've thought of some more dialogue between Carpeggio and Victor that will have to come later. Also, I can't leave Carlotta like that...she deserves better despite whatever faults she might have!
Until next time,
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