Tuesday, September 20, 2005

encourage someone today

I'm at the library. (The WIFI here makes it a really nice place for a mobile office.) Just finished up some editing so, I'm surfing the internet for a few minutes. There are a few sites I go to on a regular basis. One of them is goodthink.com, this guy throws himself out there. Encourages others to take risks. Empowers others by showing his own vulnerabilities. I admit I've pulled strength from his words many times. Today, once again, he wrote in his notes about something that I've being dealing with on several levels lately. Waiting. He says, "The waiting is the hardest part. It leaves you straddling a chasm of success or rejection". Who among us can't relate to this? Yeah, it's not a new idea. Just one that struck me today. Check out the whole post at his site if you have a minute.


Robert W. said...

I wish all of Vancouver's libraries had free WiFi!

katherine said...

I wish all of Vancouver's libraries had free WiFi!

Well, I don't know if all Seattle libaries have WIFI. But the ones I visit do. : ) It's a real treat. Makes my work day easier too.

Nick D said...

It's synchronicity that I finished posting my blog about what helped modivate me to pursue my art and then the 1st blog on your page that catches my attention is your modivaiiton guy...and yes, waiting can be an unnerving thing.

katherine said...

It's synchronicity that I finished posting my blog about what helped modivate me to pursue my art and then the 1st blog on your page that catches my attention is your modivaiiton guy...and yes, waiting can be an unnerving thing.

Glad you found your way there. : )