Saturday, December 31, 2005

until next year

"If you want to know the end, look at the beginning" ~African Proverb

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." ~Seneca

Monday, December 26, 2005

an epic tale

Blue skies battle with rain clouds for turf above Seattle ~ 12.26.05

Sunday, December 25, 2005


"May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy." ~ Unknown

Friday, December 23, 2005

ferry christmas

Lights reflecting on the window as a ferry makes it's way across the Sound ~ 12.23.05

So, this evening I was sitting here ... thinking about how it's been raining for days on end. Yep, it's true ... I live in Seattle. HA! Anyway, I saw a ferry going by and though I've shot the ferries often enough ... I got the camera out and proceeded to try to make the shot new somehow. It was getting dark and the lights in the apartment were bugging me throwing weird reflections on the window. So I turned them all off, save the Christmas tree. As I continued shooting and moving closer and closer to the tree I found I rather liked the way its lights reflected and added a 'holiday' feel to the photo. (Though, it also has a many moons feel to it as well. Hmmm.) Thus I present it to you here, for your own interpretation and reflection. ; ) I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

pattern in motion

Frame grab from the video ~ 12.21.05
Pulled in the parking lot at work today and this is what I saw. Maybe not all that spectacular, but something kept me zoned out and only seeing the pattern the rain was making. Thought I'd share a few seconds.

Listening to Flow by Sade

oh yeah, it's a rant

Okay, so Initiative 901 went into effect a two weeks ago today. I for one have been pleased that smokers are now required to stand twenty-five feet from entrances to public places. Mostly because that means they can't huddle in the doorway of my apartment building and smoke ... it's within twenty-five feet of a restaurant on one side and a bar on the other side. They even put up signs stating it's the law ... no smoking. It's been nice knowing that while entering or leaving my residence I'm not going to encounter a wall of smoke.

Until this evening, I was just home from work and had to run back to the car for something and heard the voices huddled in the doorway as I walked toward it. Slowly opened the door and low and behold -- two smokers huddled there. They giggled and smugly apologized ... then walked around the corner of the building. I retrieved what I needed from the car, when I got back to the door I noticed the sign was gone. I know it was there when I came in not a half-hour earlier. So, I was totally pissed that ... obviously (to me), those "two smokers" had removed it. (Not that it changes anything, it's still within twenty-five feet of two public places.) I suppose it could have been someone else. But I'm 95% sure it was them. I've actually had a run in with these two specific people before, and from the looks on their faces ... they'd remembered me too.

A few days before the smoking ban went into effect, I had been leaving the building with my mother (who has emphysema and carries oxygen with her). Upon opening the door the "two smokers" were there, in their plume. I turned to my mom and said, (in a normal voice with no sarcasm), "don't breathe". It's sort of our code for, "there are smokers out here". She has enough trouble breathing as it is, add smoke and hello it's a bad thing. Anyway, one of the "two smokers" (the girl -- and I call her that because of her maturity not her age) said mockingly, "yeah, don't breathe". I politely turned to her and said, "I only say that because she's has emphysema and is carrying oxygen ...". She rolled her eyes and said something ... I didn't quite hear her but I knew it was snide and directed at me. I wanted to turn around and confront her, but didn't. Needless to say, I consider her the spawn of the devil. She's probably a perfectly nice human being ... but she has absolutely no consideration for others and is a smart-ass when it's completely inappropriate.

My dilemma is what to do about it. My first thought is to find some way to get back at them. Report them to whoever, I believe she's employed at one of the establishments ... so I could tattle on her to her boss. But that's really not my style, none of it. I'd just as soon not be put in a position to have to deal with it. It's not that I resist conflict. Most times I'll head right into it without fear. But, lately ... I just don't want to put my energy into fighting against people like her. I will if I have to, but I'm really hoping this girl will get a clue. God, please let her get a clue.

Monday, December 19, 2005

postal delay ; )

A sailboat cruises along as a bit of blue sky teases and fog rolls in on the Puget Sound. Seattle, WA ~ 12.11.05

Sunday, December 11, 2005

imperfect beauty

View of Mt. Rainier through the industrial side of downtown Seattle ~ 12.08.05

A slighty out of focus view of Mt. Rainier from the West Seattle Bridge ~ 12.09.05

Sunset ~ West Seattle ~ 12.09.05

The weather, though chilly, was really beautiful the past week. We were blessed to see Mt. Rainer in some form three days in a row, which is saying something. So, even though I'm encouraged not to shoot and drive, I took the opportunity to grab these images along my commute. I am gravitating toward the imperfect, for whatever reason ... and finding beauty there.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

woman after my own heart

Mount Rainier hiding her head in the soft cloud cover ~ 12.07.05

Driving to work this morning, the sight was so beautiful with the Cascades and the Olympics both making an appearance. Grabbed the point and shoot to take advantage of this view while driving East across the I-90 floating bridge. Shooting photos while driving, a tad bit dangerous. Yeah, don't try this at home folks. ; )

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

random selection

Just an observation but, here I sit at the library ... as I often do. Killing time between assignments. I was reading a book and had stopped to ponder a thought when I noticed a woman nearby pulling books from the shelf at random, glancing at them, then pushing them back in. Occasionally pausing to read the information on the back cover. The odd thing here, and the reason for my intrigue is that each of the books she touched ... over 10 that I personally witnessed, had a pink cover. It really got me wondering what it was she was looking for ... that she might find behind a pink cover.

peek a blue

Another amazing sunset ~ Seattle, WA ~ 12.05.05

Monday, December 05, 2005

"Each one's pleasure draws him on" ~ Virgil

"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis."
~ Margaret Bonanno

"Then let yourself love all that you take delight in." ~ John Ashbery

"Surely joy is the condition of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau

"I gave myself up so completely to present desires and pleasures that I had no energy to waste on mere wishful thinking." ~ Simone de Beauvoir

"When you die God and the angels will hold you accountable for all the pleasures you were allowed in life that you denied yourself."
~ unknown source

Saturday, December 03, 2005


"You can't control the length of your life, but you can control its depth, height, and width." ~ unknown source

Thursday, December 01, 2005

it's snowing

12:01pm: Snow falling ~ 12.01.05

12:09pm: Only a small accumulation so far. ~ 12.01.05

You can view a short movie I made of the snow while driving by clicking here.

It's not that it's all that unusual to see snow this time of year. But in the Seattle metro area it's a little less usual than some other places.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

keeping my head in the clouds

3:44pm: the gray skies broke apart and left us with this scene. ~ 11.30.05

I have yet to figure out what is with me lately, but i'm intrigued with the clouds. Mostly while driving too. I'm sort of like a child who won't go to sleep without her blankie. Gotta shoot the clouds. Really it's a wonder I've resisted posting them daily. Anyway, my hope is that you will enjoy the images ... while my head floats around in the clouds.

increase the odds

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized." ~ SunTzu

"There is only one reason why you are not experiencing bliss at this present moment, and it's because you are thinking or focusing on what you don't have." ~ Anthony DeMelloittle

Sunday, November 27, 2005

what a blessing

Nice day to play ~ 11.27.05

Can't believe how nice it is out there today. Wow. ~ 11.27.05

It's a rare blue-skied November day here in Seattle. I'm feeling a bit puny ... a cold is trying to bring me down, but the view from my window is reminding me how freaking blessed I am to live where I do. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

it's a mystery

"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." ~ Neil Armstrong

"There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential." ~ Rusty Berkus

Thursday, November 24, 2005

giving thanks

About twenty minutes ago ... I was gathered up in my bed clothes. Preparing to fall off into slumber when I heard a very loud clamoring. Metal and heavy objects falling to the ground. Then the sound of my mom, "Katherine! Katherine!". I run out to the kitchen, where I find her on the floor, the hot oven teetering out of the counter seemingly about to fall on her. Turkey upside down on the floor, behind her.

I grab the oven to insure it doesn't fall. Push it back some, it won't go easily back into it's original position, so I don't force it. I just turn my attention to my mother, now that I know the heavy metal object isn't going to crush her. Mom isn't quite ready to be helped up and insists she's fine. So, I turn to the turkey, surely it needs my assistance. Luckily it's wrapped in foil and not laying on the tile floor. Salvageable, if I can figure out how to get the oven to work again.

I help mom up, she's limping ... I'm full of questions but trying not to pester her. My mind goes back, thinking about Thanksgivings past. This is her way, stay up until all hours of the night and get the next days dinner started. She loves to cook the turkey slowly in the oven, overnight. It's her way, it's the way I've always known her to be.

I return to my bed, knowing getting the oven back in place is going to be a monumental task. And one I could really use help with. And since it's after one in the morning and I don't have any friends I can call, much less at this hour. I say a prayer, ask for guidance in getting the oven back in place on my own. Thoughts about my mom and the worries of her independence forefront in my mind.

I come back out to the kitchen, questions flying out of my mouth at the speed of light. "How did this happen?" "Are you sure you're okay?" "Where does it hurt?" So, finally without many details I get the gist that she fell on the oven door. She says she had a cramp in her leg, but my instinct says she lost her balance. I'm not going to accuse her of lying, but I'm skeptical. It is possible a cramp in her leg could have caused her to lose her balance. Anyway, that's how the 425 degree oven came to be perched over her as she sat on the kitchen floor.

Her question, "how do you microwave a turkey?" I'm not laughing. Then confesses, "I don't know what happened".

Thanks to help from above, the oven did not fall and is now back in place. Certainly not my genius that could have maneuvered that hunk of metal back into place. Cooking has now resumed, but I'm as nervous about it as I can be.

The smoke alarm just went off, I can see I won't be sleeping very soundly tonight.

Then again, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks. right? Maybe I should rethink. I am thankful for many things, at the moment ... I'm most thankful that oven didn't come crashing down on my mom. Though, I still haven't figured out how the turkey landed behind her.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

as i drove along

Tree-lined curves along US Hwy 101 near Lake Crescent on the Olympic Peninsula.

instant replay

Working a conversation around in my mind. do you ever do this? Take a perfectly good conversation and replay it in your mind so many times, until you suddenly realize something was said that you wish you hadn't. Grrrrrrrrr. Initially, the intention is positive. I'm replaying it because something was so right about it, until I run across something so wrong. Reminds me I should listen more and talk less. Not that I necessarily run off at the mouth, but on occasion I can get carried away. So, I'm playing the thought over and over in my mind, and it doesn't take me long to realize I must let it go. But in that interim, I mentally thrash myself. Sigh, you'd think I'd learn.

Monday, November 21, 2005

your fair share

"An unshared life is not living. He who shares does not lessen, but greatens, his life." ~ Stephen Wise

Monday, November 07, 2005

no pass go

Clouds @ sunset ~ 11.07.05

Something about clouds and sunsets lately. Can't seem to pass up shooting a photo of either.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

in a blur

6:53am, motion blur on Hwy. 99 -- Seattle, WA -- 10.31.05

In my eyes, the best thing about this photo is the motion blur. That's what it's got going for it. They say photography is painting with light ... this kind of image makes it feel that way. Plus, it really hit the mark on my mood that moment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

more on the weather

Interesting pattern in the clouds -- 10.22.05

Is it foggy or blue skies? Both!? Weird. -- 10.24.05

The sun trying to peek through the cloud cover -- 10.25.05


Have you guys been to Rocketboom? Definitely have to go there, it's a smart and mostly funny video blog. They do an awesome job. I'd actually love to be a part of something like this. Really got a chuckle out of today's post. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

afloat on the asphalt

After the rain -- Bellevue, WA -- 10.19.05

Monday, October 17, 2005


There's a restaurant in the area that lets you make s'mores at your table as a desert. Always wanted to try it, 'cause I love anything that reminds me of when I was a kid. It was a special occasion and I got to pick the desert, no compromising. : )

S'mores @ BluWater/Leschi -- Seattle, WA -- 10.17.05

Extremely low light, flash on the p&s would've ruined the atmosphere. Gives you the idea though. Little campfire at your table. : )

Sunday, October 16, 2005

pretty in pink

Sunset over Puget Sound -- Seattle, WA -- 10.16.05

The pink was short lived, literally just a minute later this scene was all grays and blues. The pink was pretty, but eery in a way.

what the world needs

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~ Dr. Howard Thurman

Update (8:47pm): I'm not quite sure why I feel the need to qualify an entry on my own blog. But I do, and have been thinking about it off and on today. So, here it is ... when I posted this quote the line of thinking was about career path and what people choose to do with their time. Of course, I do realize it can and will be viewed from whatever point of view the reader chooses. Evidence, the first comment. So, take from it what you will. All best. : )

Thursday, October 13, 2005

one public opinion

Earlier today I read a story about privatization. The story referenced a province in Canada, but it got me to thinking about public versus private and what the consequences could be. Anyway, I made the comment to a friend that I don't really understand why we are not willing to commit ourselves to keeping public areas, resources, infrastructure, etc... public. Why aren't we willing to make the same commitment now as we have been in years past?

Then, while on assignment today I noticed this...

It's a handrail. Scraped and scratched up from skateboards ... well caused by people practicing their skateboarding skills on it anyway. In some places along the rail it's conceivable that someone could possibly scrape or cut their hand if they attempted to use it. Leading me to my point, maybe one reason we are not willing to make the commitment to keep public areas public is lack of respect. For most of us they are something we've always had and can't imagine them ever going away. A given in our society to this point, and we really (unrealistically) don't think we should have to pay more taxes to keep it that way. Obviously, this is only one example. The railing may seem like a small and trivial thing, and maybe it seems I'm making something out of nothing. Hey, I'm all for them having fun and perfecting their sport. Lack of respect is the real issue on my mind here. Granted it's only one piece of a larger issue, but really it's all the seemingly small things like this that add up and create the bigger issues, like privatization.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

imagine the possibilities

While making some entries in my iCal calendar tonight ... I began to, somewhat mindlessly, scroll through the months. Which then turned into years. Suddenly it became very interesting as I started thinking about how old I'd be in say, 2033 ... a year I haven't even begun to fathom the existence of yet. Then the year 2040 appeared and I thought, "My God, I can't even imagine being 70 years old! That's double my current age and a whole lifetime from now!" Then I started to think about the vast changes I've seen in the last few years alone ... the possibilities abound. The thoughts continue to roll in, it's quite amazing to me where a little calendar surfing can take the mind. : )

tell your story

Brazilian author Paulo Coelho, most widely known for his book The Alchemist writes a column. A copy appears in my e-mail a few times a month. Usually his message stems from an allegory of some sort, and always there is something to learn. Often it's something I needed to hear at that moment. I have found the columns, as well as Coelho's books, despite some noticeable differences in wording (due to translation), to be inspiring and thought-provoking.

"Tell your story: Yes, tell your story. Show your example. Tell everyone it's possible, and others shall feel the courage, to climb their own mountains." ~ Paulo Coelho

Sunday, October 09, 2005

experience the difference

Sign of fall on the forest floor -- Seattle, WA -- 10.09.05

I went on my first official barefoot hike today. : ) I'd been going on little barefoot mini-hikes for a few weeks here and there. But I'm considering this to be my first real attempt. : )

At this point, I must admit that I did not make it through the entire hike barefoot. There were a some places I opted to put the sandals back on. ; ) But overall the experience was amazing. I had the best time! My bare feet insisted on keeping the pace slow for one thing ... believe me I noticed every little thing on the ground. I'm sure we must have invented shoes so we could move along faster in the first place. But now, taking them off and slowing down may be one thing that helps keep me sane. ; ) Thank you Lone, for the inspiration.

Me -- Seattle, WA -- 10.09.05

Saturday, October 08, 2005

evening ferry

Seattle, WA -- 10.08.05

they say life is not a spectator sport

I'm not really sure why I feel compelled to tell this story, but I am. So I will. : ) It's just kind of a little glimpse into another's life, and God knows I love that. So, I'm in traffic yesterday afternoon. I'm not paying a whole lot of attention to anything, mostly just zoning out waiting for the light to change. I know there's a blue volvo in front of me, but that's about it. Anyway, the light changes and we move to the next light ... I must have snapped out of my drone-like state, because I notice the man driving the blue volvo is petting a large dog that's occupying the front passenger seat. You can just tell that dog loves him by the way he keeps looking over at the man. The way the sun is reflected I can see doggy nose prints all over the windshield on the passenger side. : ) Suddenly I think this would be fun to share with you. So I fumble through my bag, grab the point & shoot and turn it on. I got one frame before the light changed and they were gone.

Man & dog -- Bellevue, Wa -- 10.07.05

wistfully wafting

Clouds reflecting Friday's sunset -- Seattle, Wa -- 10.07.05

Thursday, October 06, 2005

now playing... fall colors & rain

This was the scene from my car window this afternoon. Fall colors & rain -- 10.06.05

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

no escape

"You can stifle, but you cannot escape your innate desire to do something meaningful with your time." ~author unknown

Saturday, October 01, 2005

momentous moment

Leaves against a momentarily blue sky. -- Bellevue, WA -- 10.01.05

Yep, the sun was shining and brought the blue sky along for the ride ... allbeit through a few white & gray puffy clouds and only for a short time. A thunder shower was on it's heels.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

traffic as art

Traffic on a cloudy, rainy evening -- Bellevue, WA -- 09.29.05

I have other less motion blur/more in focus images from this unplanned 'I'm stuck in traffic' shoot, but this seemed to describe my mood and I like it. It's also the kind of shot that, upon later reflection, makes the enormous amount of time spent in traffic seem like less of a waste. : )

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

sun down

I overheard a couple of people chatting this afternoon saying that (according to our local meterologists) today may be the last nice weather we'll have for a while. So this is to remind me of it's beauty.

The sunset over the Olympics from the Seattle side of Puget Sound.

Monday, September 26, 2005

life moves on...

"Life moves on, whether we act as cowards or heroes. Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realize it,than to accept life unquestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such." ~Henry Miller

Saturday, September 24, 2005

pete's pond

Check this out. It's a live camera at a pond in Africa ... all kinds of animals to watch. Fun knowing that it's half way around the world from me and I can view live video from the pond 24/7. The animals come and go, some make annoying noises for a long period of time, but it's a site to see. : )

Friday, September 23, 2005

debunking a myth ... of sorts

A less than inspiring photo of the view from the window where I'm sitting @ the library. Proof that Seattle is not always gray skies. ; )

Thursday, September 22, 2005

have courage

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion
to one's courage." -- Anais Nin

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

encourage someone today

I'm at the library. (The WIFI here makes it a really nice place for a mobile office.) Just finished up some editing so, I'm surfing the internet for a few minutes. There are a few sites I go to on a regular basis. One of them is, this guy throws himself out there. Encourages others to take risks. Empowers others by showing his own vulnerabilities. I admit I've pulled strength from his words many times. Today, once again, he wrote in his notes about something that I've being dealing with on several levels lately. Waiting. He says, "The waiting is the hardest part. It leaves you straddling a chasm of success or rejection". Who among us can't relate to this? Yeah, it's not a new idea. Just one that struck me today. Check out the whole post at his site if you have a minute.

Monday, September 19, 2005

stellar show

David Sanborn & Company @ Jazz Alley -- Seattle, WA -- 091805

Went out to Dimitriou's Jazz Alley last night to catch the David Sanborn show. Which was great! The show rocked! Or jazzed? Anyway, a good time was had. However, the point & shoot camera I own coupled with the low lighting in the house made for less than stellar images, but this one gives you an idea of the flavor of the evening.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Sailboats on Puget Sound -- Seattle, WA -- 091805

Saturday, September 17, 2005

point & shoot

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Right Lone? : ) I guess the meter read for the grass here. 'Cause my feet look way washed out and almost freakish. Then again, I suppose it makes the image a bit more interesting. Maybe.

Lookin' for lunch.

Rain or shine?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

look, a foot!

My good friend & his wife are having a son. : ) This photo arrived unexpected, along with a handful of others, in my email box today ... this one is my favorite of the bunch. I love this photo ... I am amazed by it. Entranced almost. His arrival is predicted for early February.

Look, a foot! A baby boy foot. : ) photo credit for this amazing work belongs to my friends doctor.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

something to keep in mind ...

Thoughts are escaping me at the moment. As I feared they would. Something I wanted to remember to document. The wheels are turning, thinking back now ... I was driving home from work. Oh yeah, I was thinking about something that happened as I was leaving work today. And how I was frustrated again by the same thing that always gets me. And how hard I've worked to overcome this type of frustration only to realize ... like everything else, it's a work in progress. Reminding myself that I only have control over my own work ethic. Reminding myself to not give up ... chanting, "you can overcome this crap!" When the chanting didn't work ... I turned up the music and drove on. As the steel string guitar sang to me and the sounds created by Acoustic Alchemy soothed my mood. I set my mind to something outside of work. Something out of the ordinary ... at least for me. Barefoot hiking! : ) Thanks to Lone Primate for putting these thoughts into my head!

"And forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." ~Kahlil Gibran

Monday, September 12, 2005

explore. dream. discover.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain

Sunday, September 11, 2005

change is good

Inspired by change ... at the moment. Playing with different templates, so the blog may acquire a different appearance this evening.

Update: Okay, so I was tired of the simple white template, but couldn't find one that really moved me in any big way. I like this one the best, for now. I can see I'm going to have to learn to write some code. : ) Though, really (the more I stare at it) this new template is kind of growing on me.

we have not forgotten

Though I usually steer away from news related events in this blog -- or have thus far, today I feel the need.
It was suggested to me this morning that we have forgotten the events of four years ago. This statement was based on the fact that 3 major news outlets chose to put hurricane Katrina coverage as top news in their publications. It is ludicrous to think that we could ever forget. We must be honest and recognize that the efforts being made in Louisiana and Mississippi currently ARE important. That the wounds of Katrina are still fresh and in need of care and will be for a long time. It is important that the public is informed of those efforts. This does not mean that we have forgotten September, 11 2001. We remember. Images have been burned deep into our minds forever. Firefighters in New Orleans halted recovery efforts to remember 9/11. People all over the world remember. No possible way we could ever forget.

UPDATE: This photo was taken today at the Statue of Liberty replica at Alki Beach in Seattle ... throughout the day, so far, people have streamed in and out stopping for a moment to remember.

Friday, September 09, 2005

sounds of the city ...

Windows open ... streets below are busy with people. Talking and laughing. A car driving past -- honk, honk "get a room!" Then giggling in response. The manner and tone seemed friendly, like they knew each other. A seemingly good-natured ribbing that was fun to overhear.

Monday, September 05, 2005

my first kayaking adventure

So, I finally went kayaking today. After months of mulling the idea over and over. This was my first time in a kayak ... and I had an excellent time paddling out in the Puget Sound. Amazing views. Crossed paths with various wildlife, rode some waves and made some new friends along the way. Greg of Alki Kayak Tours (see photo) was our guide. Check out their website! Alki Kayak Tours Overall the experience was fantastic! I may become a kayaker on a regular basis. I knew I'd love it ... and of course, I did.

Friday, August 26, 2005

quoting for inspiration

"It's more important to click with the people than to click the shutter." ~Alfred Eisenstaedt

"If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul." ~Drew Barrymore

"Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed — there’s so little competition." ~Elbert Hubbard

"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise." ~Robert Fritz

“There is one way for you to know whether you have fulfilled your mission on Earth: if you’re still alive it’s because you haven’t fulfilled it yet.” ~Source Unknown

Thursday, August 25, 2005

amazed in my own backyard

So, the fact is that I am spending my vacation in my own backyard ... and loving every minute! Thus far: I've been catching up on things around the house, I had a blast at a concert, I spent one day reading ALL DAY, I finally got around to applying for a passport so I can get on with my real travel life! I went to the movie in the middle of the afternoon, in the middle of the week while everyone else is at work. (BTW, go see My Date with Drew ... it's well worth your time & hard earned money!)

My point is, that it's so nice to be at home and not have to go anywhere. Yes, I love to travel ... but that didn't work out this time. And so far, I've had an amazing vacation! Just hanging out and doing whatever I want. Actually waking up early ... ready to go find something to do.

On Wednesday morning, while on my way to get a massage (which is a luxury in life we should all have), I was stopped waiting at a traffic light. An old woman was crossing the street in front of my car ... limping. She turned and asked me if I was going her way. I was ... so she asked for a ride to the grocery store. So, sure I gave her a ride. It's only a block or two and it's on my way. She was the sweetest woman! Barbara. She was headed to the pharmacy to get some cream for a problem with her foot (which is why she was limping). Anyway, I may have helped her by giving her a ride, but she was a complete blessing for my entire day! I can't really explain why, but she made my day.

Every day of my vacation (so far) has had some form of adventure. Not exactly the kind of adventure I was expecting, but wonderful just the same.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

adventure in the making

A few weeks ago I decided I couldn't take much more of the work-related day to day and opted to set up some time off as soon as possible. That time is next week. Technically, only 3 more days of work and then no work for 9 whole days! Yes, I realize for some people that's a short time ... but in my world it's a pretty good break from the daily grind.

Plans for this time off have been tentative, at best. Now I'm thinking up a last minute 9-day adventure. Fun things to go do. That I wouldn't normally take time to explore. Most of this time I'll be on my own (which I'm so looking forward to). Some of those things will be local, or close to local ... some out of town. None set in stone as of yet.

Anyway, the point is ... well, to remind myself it's all an adventure!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

a very nice day

Great day today! Generally Sunday is a keep it slow kind of day. Not so much today. Had a freelance gig this AM -- 150 mile round trip. Then I went to my first-ever Mariners game this afternoon. The Cleveland Indians won 9-7. But it was still a fun time! My energy is pretty much zapped ... but in a good way.

Being in that atmosphere (Mariners/Safeco Field/Diamond Club Seats) brought thought to the forefront often today. Thoughts about what propels people to the top of their game, for lack of a better phrase. In whatever they are doing ... is it relaxing and letting things flow in and out? Just seems people perform better when they are relaxed. We sat in seats directly behind homeplate ... three rows back. THE best seats -- in the sun most of the game. Although a bit more shade time might have improved the experience a tad. The tickets were a gift. And the experience was a treat beyond treats! Up close and personal. Sitting among other people that are lucky in life. Right place, right time brought those tickets to my hands. It was a great time! And it started a positive line of thinking ... which always improves the experience.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

time flies

Geez, it's been almost a month since I was here last. Doesn't seem like a month. But one look at the calendar and ... yep, 25 days have passed by and not a word from me here. What have I been doing with my time? Reading ... tons of reading. Traveling ... went to visit the family and watch my dear boy cousin (okay, he's a man ... but a boy to me) get married. I've met tons of interesting people too. Most everywhere I've been it seems there was someone very interesting. Keep a look out, they are everywhere!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

glorious journey

I found it! Today was a glorious day. The notebook (see yesterday's post) was in my car at the body shop ... where I'd looked once before, but apparently not thoroughly. So, that weight was lifted ... and all other obstacles seemed to pale in comparison throughout the day. : ) Strange how a little thing can carry such a heavy burden. Anyway ...

I watched a spider running back and forth across the windshield of my rental car today. I worried about him (as I quickly closed the windows and switched on the A/C ... wouldn't want him to join me IN the car). Wondering what it must be thinking. You may think that's a silly thing to do, or a waste of time. But as I sat in traffic, watching him and waiting for the light to change, I couldn't help but draw a comparision to our lives. What I mean is ... here he is, running back and forth (possibly) wondering why it's gotten so windy all of the sudden and how his environment could change so quickly. Running back and forth, back and forth trying to find a way to change his situation. Hanging on for dear life. Then when the car stops and he feels safe to move around again, he's found himself in a completely different location. Like our lives, we pick a road, we get hooked into something ... suddenly everything speeds up, we hang on for dear life. One thing leads to another, and before we know it we're walking a completely different path than we started on.

So later, when I arrived at my destination, I was wondering if the spider had survived the journey. Then I wondered IF he did, where was he hiding? Then my concern shifted from the well-being of the spider to my own phobia. If I get out of the car now is he going to jump on me?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

small thing ... but big at the moment

I need help. I've misplaced a notebook that I need. Much of my energy has been spent looking for it over the past few days ... to no avail. I've looked and looked ... and I remember that last time I had it in my hand (I think). The contents of the notebook are so important to my work that I'm completely stressing over finding it.

But what I'm thinking about at the moment is what would really happen if I didn't find the notebook? Seriously, what's the worst thing? I'd have to call the person I interviewed and basically re-interview them. I'd have to print the photos and take them over to have some of the people ID'd. Because, of course, all of the names and quotes and other information I gathered are written in that notebook.

So, the worst thing is not a fun option. Finding the notebook is the best scenario. Like I needed to write that down to know the answer.

Where could it be? Geez!

This WILL work out. No question.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


The word ciao is used commonly, I hear it often. Something urged me to look it up in the dictionary today. Found the etymology of the word interesting. So different from the common meaning. Thought I'd share. : )

Main Entry: Ciao
Pronunciation: 'chau
Function: interjection
Etymology: Italian, from Italian dialect, literally, (I am your) slave, from Medieval Latin sclavus -- more at SLAVE
-- used conventionally as an utterance at meeting or parting

Sunday, June 12, 2005

need some inspiration?

Wandering through the library yesterday I happened upon a book called ROADTRIP NATION - A GUIDE TO DISCOVERING YOUR PATH IN LIFE. Really inspiring. And although it seems geared for people just starting out in life; going into college or of that age. I think it's appropriate for everyone of every age and stage. It's a fun & interesting read. I put a link to their website in the LINKS section on this page. Check it out. ➔

Saturday, June 11, 2005

occupying the right lane

Ever had one of those days where everything just seems pretty good? Nothing special has happened but you find yourself floating along through the day ... and it actually occurs to you that you feel happy (in general). Then suddenly something hits you from out of the blue and jolts you back. Yep, that's how my day was today. I was genuinely happy ... then I was pretty angry. But now I actually still feel pretty happy just not AS happy. Despite the fact that someone decided to turn right from the left lane ... I guess it wasn't of importance to them that I was occupying the right lane at that very second. Anyway, it was a non-injury accident. Referring to the humans involved. But my car was injured. I feel worn out ... I guess the adrenaline is finally wearing off.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

it's about balance

I met a couple of completely amazing people at my first assignment this morning.

These two women run an international adoption agency. Which in and of itself is a noble and worthwhile cause. Helping children. What could they ever do that's greater than that? But what truly made them interesting to me was that I found myself sitting in their office long after I was finished photographing them. Suddenly we were just sitting and talking ... bringing up philosophical topics and relating them to our personal experience. We had found common ground. However, by the end I'd given them way more information about myself than I had intended. Then again, I'm sure that's how it was meant to happen. And I am grateful for having met them.

So to clue you in, lately I've started keeping a list of interesting people that I meet. The graph above is one entry on that list. I can meet them anywhere, anytime. And what qualifies them as interesting? It could be anything ... likely something they said that piqued my interest. Although it could be their profession, their passion for life, what kind of activities they love, a common or opposing viewpoint they share ... anything!

The point of the list? Frankly, I decided to keep this list because it helps keep my mind focused on the reason I love my profession. Yeah, it's about the images. But more so it's about the people I meet and what drives them. So, to counter the things that cause me to want to scream in life ... the list adds balance and perspective.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

a work in progress

Somedays I look at my life and wonder how I got where I am. Do you ever do that? Just stop and take a inventory of where you stand? I'm a photojournalist. And though I haven't made my way to the caliber of publication I'd ultimately love to work for ... yet, still this is a great way to spend my days.

Today I met with a group of young artists who are working on a project for a local non-profit organization. Their teacher got them involved with the project as an after-school activity. But through that project they are learning some art history. The painting they are working on is modeled after the work of Georgia O'Keefe. It's still a work in progress ... but beautiful already. This teacher is introducing the students in her classes to some extremely interesting artists as they create art of their own. Some of the artists they are currently modeling their work after are Chuck Close and Victor Vasarely. I was really taken by some of the work they are producing. Seventh graders! They are awesome.